IL,Olney-Richland County Animal Control Center
Criteria > Received Cats
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To learn more about shelters and rescues and adoption, please visit the NAIA Dog Finder’s Guide
Received Cats
This chart reflects all live animals taken into the shelter/rescue organization from all sources in the given year. In most cases animals that are in care on January 1 of a given year are not included in the total intake. Exceptions and additional information on the source of the intakes can be found in the comments section for each year, if provided. Transfers in are included in the intake total, but because of the increasing growth in that activity, they are also graphed separately.
- 4061 Seven Hills Road,
- 618-393-7526
Non-profit Shelter
Government Shelter -
Limited Admission Shelter
Open Door Shelter -
Not classified as No-Kill by the
No Kill Shelter/Rescue (self-classified) - Importing Shelter *
- Financials