IL,Manteno-Village of Manteno
Criteria > Returned Dogs
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To learn more about shelters and rescues and adoption, please visit the NAIA Dog Finder’s Guide
Returned Dogs
This chart reflects all animals returned to their owner by the shelter/rescue organization in the given year. For municipal shelters, this reflects their primary purpose as animal control facilities; to capture strays and return them to their owner. Returned to field and trap, neuter, return are both references to feral cat communities. When provided, those detail are found in the comments section.
- 269 North Main St.,
- 815-929-4801
Non-profit Shelter
Government Shelter -
Open Door Shelter
Limited Admission Shelter -
Not classified as No-Kill by the
No Kill Shelter/Rescue (self-classified) - Importing Shelter *
- Financials