IL,Morton Grove-Wright-Way Rescue Adoption Ctr. 087-13711
This location posts the identical data to the Murphysboro location. Only one is being included in the state totals.
“Within the area” refers to instate activity. “Outside area” refers to out of state. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 622
Owner surrender: 492
Stray: 0
Impounded (not stray): 408
Confiscated: 0
Imported from out of country: 0
Born in care: 0
Owner req. euth: 0
Died in care: 0
Missing/stolen/escaped: 0
Ending count: 484
Beginning count: 92
Owner surrender: 318
Stray: 15
Impounded (not stray): 55
Confiscated: 0
Imported from out of country: 0
Born in care: 0
Returned to field: 0
Owner req. euth: 0
Died in care: 0
Missing/stolen/escaped: 0
Ending count: 89
This shelter posts the exact same data as the Murphysboro location.
Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 541
Owner surrender: 854
Stray: 0
Impounded (not stray): 0
Confiscated: 0
Imported from out of country: 0
Born in care: 0
Owner req. euth: 0
Died in care: 0
Missing/stolen/escaped: 0
Ending count: 622
Beginning count: 155
Owner surrender: 420
Stray: 7
Impounded (not stray): 0
Confiscated: 0
Imported from out of country: 0
Born in care: 0
Returned to field: 0
Owner req. euth: 0
Died in care: 0
Missing/stolen/escaped: 0
Ending count: 92
Wright-way Rescue has three locations, two in Murphysboro (the other being Wright-way Rescue Critical Care) and one in Morton Grove. All three locations report identical numbers. To avoid triple counting, we are entering the data at the Old Highway 13 location in Murphysboro only.
Wright-way Rescue has three locations, two in Murphysboro (the other being Wright-way Rescue Critical Care) and one in Morton Grove. All three locations report identical numbers. To avoid triple counting, we are entering the data at the Old Highway 13 location in Murphysboro only.
Please see IL,Murphysboro-Wright-Way Rescue for graphs. This facility reported the same numbers three different times; we are entering them only once.
Beginning count: 148
Ending count: 150
Beginning count: 30
Ending count: 30
Beginning count: 117
Ending count: 73
Beginning count: 12
Ending count: 24
Beginning count: 36
Ending count: 42
Beginning count: 8
Ending count: 2
These are the exact figures as the Murphysboro location. It is impossible to say how much activity each location has.
Beginning count: 52
Ending count: 50
Beginning count: 7
Ending count: 9
The numbers reported for this shelter are exact duplicates to the numbers reported from the Murphysboro location. We are entering them only once, so as not to inflate the state totals.