IL,State of Illinois
There were 532 licensed shelters and 173 licensed animal control facilities that reported as part of the license renewal process. “Within the area” refers to instate activity. “Outside area” refers to out of state. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 15,534
Owner surrender: 19,361
Stray: 32,896
Impounded (not stray): 5590
Confiscated: 1295
Imported from out of country: 657
Born in care: 1691
Owner req. euth: 3082
Died in care: 737
Missing/stolen/escaped: 88
Ending count: 10,620
Beginning count: 18,245
Owner surrender: 22,974
Stray: 41,077
Impounded (not stray): 2660
Confiscated: 581
Imported from out of country: 194
Born in care: 2879
Returned to field: 2664
Owner req. euth: 1118
Died in care: 2758
Missing/stolen/escaped: 107
Ending count: 13,890
There were 699 facilities reporting as part of the licensing process. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 13,399
Owner surrender: 21,170
Stray: 28,070
Impounded (not stray): 5219
Confiscated: 1371
Imported from out of country: 467
Born in care: 1933
Owner req. euth: 3111
Died in care: 683
Missing/stolen/escaped: 29
Ending count: 12,062
Beginning count: 16,008
Owner surrender: 23,572
Stray: 37,730
Impounded (not stray): 3430
Confiscated: 682
Imported from out of country: 89
Born in care: 2985
Returned in field: 2304
Owner req. euth: 1148
Died in care: 2419
Missing/stolen/escaped: 97
Ending count: 12,481
There were 667 facilities reporting as part of the licensing process. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 12,233
Owner surrender: 18,846
Stray: 20,421
Impounded (not stray): 3720
Confiscated: 484
Imported from out of country: 935
Born in care: 1895
Owner req. euth: 1668
Died in care: 598
Missing/stolen/escaped: 18
Ending count: 8917
Beginning count: 14,973
Owner surrender: 23,781
Stray: 31,570
Impounded (not stray): 2707
Confiscated: 450
Imported from out of country: 133
Born in care: 2957
Returned to field: 3284
Owner req. euth: 1225
Died in care: 2560
Missing/stolen/escaped: 42
Ending count: 13,669
There were 640 facilities reporting. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below.
Beginning count: 10967
Owner surrender: 19844
Stray: 19877
Impounded (not stray): 2959
Confiscated: 809
Imported from out of country: 278
Born in care: 2225
Owner req. euth: 2666
Died in care: 641
Missing/stolen/escaped: 25
Ending count: 9060
Beginning count: 15110
Owner surrender: 20056
Stray: 32619
Impounded (not stray): 1474
Confiscated: 291
Imported from out of country: 4
Born in care: 3567
Returned to field: 3225
Owner req. euth: 997
Died in care: 2162
Missing/stolen/escaped: 39
Ending count: 10143
Beginning in the 2021 renewal process, the State of Illinois has requested more information than they had previously. The details can be found below. Animals that have been imported from outside our country are combined with “Transfers in from outside area” for graphing purposes but are listed separately below. There were 627 licensed facilities, but not all reported. We discovered that some facilities that have multiple locations were reporting the exact same data for each one, thereby inflating the state totals. We have removed the duplications to more accurately reflect the activity in Illinois.
Beginning count: 9948
Owner surrender: 27,027
Stray: 33,615
Impounded (not stray): 6853
Confiscated: 1557
Imported from out of country: 122
Born in care: 2358
Owner req. euth: 3436
Died in care: 932
Missing/stolen/escaped: 27
Ending count: 11,145
Beginning count: 13,482
Owner surrender: 28.800
Stray: 40,236
Impounded (not stray): 3315
Confiscated: 1669
Imported from out of country: 19
Born in care: 5180
Returned to field: 2867
Owner req. euth: 1297
Died in care: 2840
Missing/stolen/escaped: 50
Ending count: 14,743
There are 175 animal control facilities and 625 animal shelters/rescues that are licensed in Illinois through 6/30/2020. Not all of them provided data. Some were new licensees and some entered zeros across the board. Next year the requirements for reporting will demand more details.
Beginning count: 9307
Ending count: 8390
Beginning count: 14122
Ending count: 13445
664 shelters and rescues reporting.
Beginning count: 11,754
Ending count: 9154
Beginning count: 15,657
Ending count: 14,602
There were 518 shelters and rescues reporting.
There were 548 shelters and rescues reporting.
Beginning count: 9662
Ending count: 8594
Beginning count: 13239
Ending count: 13449
535 shelters and rescues reporting.
Beginning count: 8816
Ending count: 9573
Beginning count:12,776
Ending count: 14,829
The state of Illinois had 575 shelters and rescues reporting, an increase of 40 rescues over 2013.
Beginning count: 10079
Ending count: 10632
Beginning count: 13708
Ending count: 13080
The beginning counts are inflated for both species. Many reporting entities are confusing beginning inventory with new intakes. 615 facilities renewing their licenses.
Beginning count: 11984
Ending count: 9698
Beginning count: 13649
Ending count: 13460
616 facilities renewed their licenses.
Beginning count: 12219
Ending count: 9428
Beginning count: 14180
Ending count: 13548