TX,Austin-Austin Pets Alive
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles (up to 5 months). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. Any international transfers will be included in the graph for out of state transfers, with the details provided below. Beginning and ending counts are given as totals first, followed by those in foster care.
Beginning count: 943
Stray/At Large: 60/15
Owner relinquished: 1112
Transferred in: 3923/1950
Other intakes: 87/87
Total: 5182/2569
Adoption: 3728/1771
Return to owner: 85/50
Transferred out: 1042/246
Other live outcomes: 11/5
Died: 209/180
Lost: 0
Shelter euth: 193/125
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 842
Beginning count: 754
Stray/At Large: 28/15
Owner relinquished: 952/318
Transferred in: 4828/3109
Other intakes: 64/64
Total: 5872/3506
Adoption: 5172/2826
Return to owner: 10/1
Transferred out: 290/90
Return to field: 0
Other live outcomes: 6/3
Died: 319/276
Lost: 3/2
Shelter euth: 90/25
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 688
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles (up to 5 months). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. Any international transfers will be included in the graph for out of state transfers, with the details provided below. Beginning and ending counts are given as totals first, followed by those in foster care.
Beginning count: 1666/348
Stray/At Large: 8/0
Owner relinquished: 1163/434
Transferred in from in state: 3954/2034
Transferred in from out of state: 130/69
Transferred in (international): 2/0
Seizure: 0
Other intakes: 393/266
Total: 5650/2803
Adoption: 4600/1930
Return to owner: 53/17
Transferred out to in state: 18/0
Transferred out to out of state: 740/194
Transferred out (international): 71/0
Other live outcomes: 1/1
Died: 199/174
Lost: 1/0
Shelter euth: 132/91
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 933/388
Beginning count: 2065/697
Stray/At Large: 25/15
Owner relinquished: 958/336
Transferred in from in state: 4737/3021
Transferred in from out of state: 97/15
Transferred in (international): 0
Seizure: 0
Other intakes: 317/222
Total: 6134/3609
Adoption: 5951/3134
Return to owner: 14/7
Transferred out to in state: 3/3
Transferred out to out of state: 303/137
Transferred out (international): 20/0
Return to field: 0
Other live outcomes: 1/1
Died: 233/194
Lost: 1/0
Shelter euth: 76/15
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 754/478
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles (up to 5 months). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. Any international transfers will be included in the graph for out of state transfers, with the details provided below. Beginning and ending counts are given as totals first, followed by those in foster care.
Beginning count: 1357/482
Stray/At Large: 1/0
Owner relinquished: 993/356
Transferred in from in state: 3828/1931
Transferred in from out of state: 95/37
Transferred in (international): 0
Seizure: 0
Other intakes: 331/302
Total: 5248/2626
Adoption: 4102/1348
Return to owner: 18/4
Transferred out to in state: 49/35
Transferred out to out of state: 512/52
Transferred out (international): 39/0
Other live outcomes: 0
Died: 241/206
Lost: 2/0
Shelter euth: 147/78
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 1357/482
Beginning count: 1063/669
Stray/At Large: 8/5
Owner relinquished: 874/337
Transferred in from in state: 4656/3146
Transferred in from out of state: 154/82
Transferred in (international): 0
Seizure: 0
Other intakes: 471/420
Total: 6163/3990
Adoption: 5642/3021
Return to owner: 1/0
Transferred out to in state: 6/2
Transferred out to out of state: 170/17
Transferred out (international): 0
Return to field: 4/0
Other live outcomes: 0
Died: 340/307
Lost: 13/0
Shelter euth: 88/21
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 1481/436
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles
(up to 5 months). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles.
Beginning count: 961
Stray/At Large: 0
Owner relinquished: 1220/388
Owner intended euthanasia on intake: 0
Other Intakes: 372/372
Died in care: 195/149
Lost in care: 3/0
Shelter euth: 96/42
Owner intended euth: 0
Ending count: 1163
Beginning count: 833
Stray/At Large: 17/8
Owner relinquished: 1051/362
Owner intended euth: 0
Other intakes: 616/616
Died in care: 300/256
Lost in care: 11/2
Shelter euth: 134/25
Owner intended euth: 0
Ending count: 1432
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles (up to 5 months). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles.
Beginning count: 1217
Stray/At Large: 6/4
Owner relinquish: 1253/368
Transferred in: 3117/1273
Other intakes: 299/299
Total: 4675/1944
Adoption: 4587/1201
RTO: 32/0
Transferred out: 16/4
Other live outcome: 0
Died: 185/141
Lost: 19/1
Shelter euth: 80/35
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 973
Beginning count: 964
Stray/At Large: 19/4
Owner relinquish: 785/209
Transferred in: 4218/2801
Other intakes: 436/433
Total: 5458/3447
Adoption: 4860/2431
RTO: 3/0
Transferred out: 1/0
TNR: 5/0
Other live outcome: 0
Died: 466/393
Lost: 32/2
Shelter euth: 237/32
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 818
This reporting system reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles.
Beginning count: 1287
Stray/At Large: 1/0
Owner relinquish: 1096/302
Transferred in: 3250/1451
Other intakes: 367/365
Total: 4714/2118
Adoption: 4287/1418
RTO: 59/14
Transferred out: 20/1
Other live outcome: 1/1
Died: 255/199
Lost: 14/5
Shelter euth: 109/36
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 1256
Beginning count: 977
Stray/At Large: 5/4
Owner relinquish: 840/197
Transferred in: 4526/2745
Other intakes: 406/406
Total: 5777/3352
Adoption: 2483
RTO: 0
Transferred out: 22/0
TNR: 36/0
Other live outcome: 0
Died: 412/350
Lost: 14/1
Shelter euth: 195/30
Owner req. euth: 0
Ending count: 943
Beginning count: 670
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 1141
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 100
Died/lost: 224
Ending count: 2096
Beginning count: 710
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 681
Return to habitat (feral cats): 0
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 107
Died/lost: 403
Ending count: 2282
Beginning count: 529
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 1236
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 89
Ending count: 693
Beginning count: 446
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 999
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 64
Ending count: 766
Beginning count: 463
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 798
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 48
Ending count: 434
Beginning count: 335
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 572
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 38
Ending count: 397
Beginning count: 69
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 123
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 9
Ending count: 86
Beginning count: 110
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 118
Return to habitat (feral cats): 0
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitatable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 10
Ending count: 69
Beginning count: 531
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 950
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 39
Ending count: 487
Beginning count: 348
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 583
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 25
Ending count: 336
Beginning count: 417
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 853
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 36
Ending count: 532
Beginning count: 363
Owner requested euthanasia: 0
From the public: 359
Euth. healthy: 0
Treatable-Rehabilitable: 0
Treatable-Manageable: 0
Unhealthy & untreatable: 23
Ending count: 348